Friday, December 16, 2011


Wednesday, after Fab Fibers, during which HE CALLED ME (because he missed me, and just wanted to hear my voice. I'm all a-flutter. ahem.), I had to take Twin2 out to a friends house in PG. I procrastinated leaving B&N until I had just no time, and had to rush to get him out there.

M is having a rough night, though, so, I'm trying to cheer him up a bit. While I wait for my son to get out to the car, I text him something random, just to give him a laugh. And then I'm driving to PG, so, both of the texts he sends in reply, all I can do is read them, because my son is all in a hurry to get there, and won't let me pull over to text back. Poor guy is waiting 20 min or more for me to answer, and who knows what he's thinking.

I stop in the driveway of the friends house, and text back while I wait to make sure my boy has actually been let in the door. I add a little note, apologizing for the delay, and telling him why. As I back out of the drive, I get this:

"Only 2 more hours and you could be here. :)"
(then, I knock over a garbage can, because, apparently, I can't even back out of a driveway after that.)

I'm tellin' ya, it was all I could do to turn my car towards home instead of heading North. And the number of times I had to pull over... It is not helpful to tell me I'd have to put up with some snuggling, for instance.

That was one seriously intense drive home.

When I finally got home, I ask: feel better?
He says, YES. So, for me, it was worth all the torture on my end.
I know he wasn't serious, and I could tell he was having a good time with it, teasing me.

It was a long time before I could get to sleep that night.

I get to put up with torture like this for a good long time, I'm guessing. That'll be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Our family story is that my mom ran into a pole with her car after she and my dad kissed for the first time... :)

    It is worth the wait, the torture...but I'm so sorry about the roller coaster you have to be on in the meantime.
