Saturday, December 10, 2011

how it started

We met as teenagers. I was 16, he was 17. (He's four months, to the day, older) A friend of mine insisted I had to come to the EFY dance over at BYU. I never attended EFY - couldn't afford it - but I liked to dance, so, I went.
Apparently, one of our other friends had been seriously flirting, all week, with a certain boy. But, as often happens with teenagers, by the end of the week, she'd gone off him. He needed a little extra attention, which is why they asked me to come.
When we arrive, another friend briefs us on the "break-up", advises us to be extra nice, and introduces us to a couple of cute boys. This is M, and his best friend, C.
I'm matched up with C, my friend with M. We dance.
And the whole time, I'm sorta looking over at M, thinking I'd rather be dancing with him. And he's dancing with her, looking over at me, thinking the same thing.
The song ends, and we switch.
New song is Cherish (not the Madonna song, the other one, Kool & the Gang? Can't remember), so it's a slow song.
We dance. We look into each others eyes. And when the song ends, we don't notice. It's all quiet, the floor clears, and we are still standing there, staring at each other.
Our friends have to pull us off the dance floor.

We go outside, all of us, and talk a bit. He's from Lehi, so, not exactly just down the street.
He looks, of all things, like Peter Brady (If you're young, you may have to Google that. Go ahead. I'll wait.).
Dark, curly hair (a little too much of it, but still...) intense blue eyes (which is where I get that weakness - so now you know) and this adorable crooked smile. He's gorgeous. And he's tall. (Being 5'7" from 7th grade on hasn't made it easy for me, boyfriend-wise.)
I'm thinking he'd look better if he cut his hair short, but I don't say anything.
We exchange phone numbers, and other important information, and lament the distance between our houses.
At the end of the evening (I seem to recall our respective friends having to drag us away, but I could be making that up), we both go home and do something that was, at the time, the thing LDS teenagers did after they'd met someone: We prayed about it. Asking if he/she was that person, the one we were meant to be with forever. We didn't discuss it, I didn't know he was doing the same thing I was, it just happened.

When he comes to see me, he's cut his hair. Exactly the way I would have suggested, had I said anything. (It's like a sign!) He's even more adorable. (Think: Tears for Fears - the cute one.)
He tells me that he prayed about me.
We share answers.
They are the same: YES, but not right now. (Totally not making this up. Those exact words, and we both got the same answer.)
We aren't sure what that means, except, we're teenagers, so, duh, not now. We're a little young for that.

Even then, we knew there was more to it than that.

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