Monday, December 19, 2011

girl on a mission

I've decided that it's rather pathetic that the last person I kissed (an embarrassing number of years ago) was, coincidentally, the same person I was trying so hard not to kiss over Thanksgiving weekend.

I mean, really? REALLY?

It's just sad. And it's given him (the all-important him) the idea that he's awakened me from the dead, romantically speaking, which isn't exactly true. Not really.

I have dated, a bit. I did the singles activities while I was on the committee; went to everything, danced with whoever asked, flirted (tried to flirt?), and engaged in conversation when called upon.

I was not dead. I just didn't seem to get asked out. Or set up.

So, here's the deal:

I need dates. And you, my friends, are going to help me.

The 3 E's are a must (note: willing to bend on the college education bit, but only if you think he can carry on a worthwhile conversation. I love a good conversation.)

The age, maturity level, or looks of said possible date are unimportant. I just want to have a nice time, possibly some intelligent conversation. I am not looking for a boyfriend. I am not looking for a husband. I would just like to date.

Surely there is someone out there who would suit?

1 comment:

  1. I will keep my eyes open. I honestly can't think of anyone right now. I just wanted to say that it's not like you've been sitting around. You've been raising two great boys, cultivating friendships, serving in your ward, developing talents and building a career. Give yourself some credit, woman!
