Thursday, March 26, 2009

what to wear?

Last night, it hits me: I've got no clue what I'll wear on my date. And I started to panic. I'm not sure I know how to dress for a date anymore. My last date was a lunch, on a working day, so I was in a suit. Maybe a little dressier than an ordinary work day, but I didn't go to a lot of trouble. Plus, I'd already met that guy, spent time with him at a couple of dances, so he'd seen me in a few different outfits, casual to dressy (he, on the other hand, never mind the event, was in jeans every time).
But I'm nervous about this one. This is the big "first impression" here. I want that first look to be memorable, in a good way. Or, at least, not disappointing. And this weather isn't helping. If it's cold and blowing and snowy next Friday, wearing a pastel floral skirt (because I have seriously nice legs) won't quite work. But in any case, would a skirt be too much? I mean, I'll be coming from work anyway, and he knows that. This is not something I'll have oodles of time to get ready for, because that's how my schedule is right now. I'm thinking a suit would be excusable, since I am coming directly from work, but will that make me look unapproachable?

I can't even think which outfits I look best in. My mind goes all scrambled thinking about it.


  1. My first blind date I wore nice black pants and a pretty sweater. I say no suit jacket; I think that would look a little too formal. I think a flattering (probably non-floral, given the weather) skirt would be awesome too, provided you'd be warm enough.

  2. Like we were talking about the other night, you have tons of clothes to choose from!! I would feel overwhelmed too.
    I would agree with Marcy. I like slacks and a nice sweater. You have tons of cute skirts to choose from. Good luck. I would love to hear what you decide on. :)
