Wednesday, February 18, 2009

post-Valentines update

okay, Valentines weekend. big dance sponsered by my cluster. I built a balloon arch - looked fantastic (wish I'd taken a picture). I think that may have been the highlight of my evening...

logged in to the singles site Monday morning, and, you won't believe it, nothing new. no new flirts, no messages. you mean nobody was sitting at home logged in, hoping for someone to chat with? or searching for "the one"? well, duh. but it still stung.

then, finally, just after 2pm Monday, I got a flirt. from a high-school dropout whose occupation states "I'll tell you later". He's kinda cute, but he lives in Kooskia ID (where? that sounds made up), and though he states he attends church regularly, his temple status is blank. so, let's see, which of the 3 E's did he manage here? oh, wait, none.

see, this is why I never did this before. At first it was kind of fun, seeing who looked at my profile, who flirted with me. but the down side is, after a while, it tapers off. I'm not the new hot babe anymore, I'm old news. or they found my blog and they don't want me making fun of them for the world to see.

1 comment:

  1. According to the map Kooskia Is a town in Northern ID. I'm guessing about 7 hrs from where I live so too far for you in Provo. its a small town with a small population. Good luck! I wish i knew some good single guys.
