Tuesday, February 3, 2009

dating again

so, it's happened, I'm 40 (okay, been 40 for a few months) and despite being a responsible person, well adjusted, a good Mormon girl, and pretty dang cute, I'm still not dating. again.

Now, before you make any snap judgements, let me just say that I'm a single mom, I work full time, and I have plenty going on in my social life and leisure time without adding dating to the mix. On the other hand, I always wanted more than 2 kids (a lot more), and there are times when going to bed with a good book just doesn't satisfy me. Not all the time, mind you. I mean, I like my life. I like the independence, the autonomy, the closet space. But sometimes...

Just before Christmas I found myself considering signing up on LDSSingles, but then, remembering a friends experiences with that, I thought better of it. (let's just say he met more crazies than he cared for) A few days later, a young friend of mine, recently divorced (mine is not so recent, try 8 years?), emails and says she signed up. Which I considered very brave of her, and also, it seemed like a message from the universe. Which I tried to ignore.

Next thing I know, I'm having a friend dye my hair (hey, I got my grey when I had the twins, I earned every one of those, and they have nothing to do with age! plus, it looked sort of dramatic), and she agrees to do a little photo shoot for me with her new camera.see the "drama" of the grey here? and then the "new me"And I signed up. just the freebie version for now. I predict I'll ignore, forget, and whatever other excuse I can come up with to save myself from the inevitable disappointment. who wants to pay for that?

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