Tuesday, February 24, 2009

married guy doesn't get it

Got a message from BG12 again. You know, the one that "had to be honest" and told me he's not yet divorced (ie: still married). He tells me that "the planets are finally aligning" and he'll be "a free man before April begins" (gee, that's not exactly next week, is it?). Well, bully for him. And I would be interested because...?
I know it's shallow of me (not), but I don't want to have anything to do with a guy that actively sought out the next girlfriend/wife while still married. No matter how good the excuse. Especially as he purports to be a member in good standing of the LDS church.
He wants to know if my offer to introduce him to other singles is still good. Um, just which of my single friends would you like to meet that thinks it's okay that you were still married when you signed up on a singles site, just 3 months after your wife left? And you're okay with the morals of said friend?
So, tell me, am I being too hard on this one? I feel okay with my own decision not to ever date him, even when he is actually divorced. Question is, am I going too far in not wanting to introduce him to someone else who may not care, as he didn't try to flirt with them while he was married?