Saturday, December 5, 2009

an evening with Michael B

My co-worker, Cookie, brought Michael B, of Singles Ward fame, to our company Christmas party Friday night. He is an absolute hoot! Seriously.
Very friendly, super nice, funny.
I'm not a big fan of his work, but I'm familiar with it. Truth to tell, I don't think I've seen a single one of his movies all the way through. Just parts of a couple of them. He's definitely entertaining.
Apparently, he's a marriage and family counselor for his "steady" job. Interesting.
After the party, we headed over to Cookie's house to see the results of her recent refinishing of all the interior logs of her log home. He came along, of course. We were hanging out, talking, until almost 1am. Talking about, well, just about everything. Movies (Johnny Depp, etc), dating, Oreos (why do we love a burnt chocolate cookie so much?), spelunking, you name it. I was watching him closely, taking mental notes, because I was so impressed with how he made sure to include everyone in the conversation. That's a talent to be admired.

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