Tuesday, November 29, 2011

in other news

You know that thing I've been waiting for?
That certain someone (or possible someone) that seems to have kept me from dating, or meeting new people?

Remember how crazy/stupid that sounded?
(Unless you saw that as romantic, which I totally understand.)

Remember how many times I was just so "over" that, and ready to move on?

Remember how I got all mad a couple weeks ago, and finally was, really and truly, OVER IT?

Turns out, while I still feel it's true that I am no longer "waiting", that I'm finally free, emotionally, to allow others into my life (and heart), it seems that the wait is over.

This may not turn out like I wanted.
This may not work out at all, actually.
But at least, it's started.

And you know what? Whatever happens, I'm good with that.

(also, no matter how many times I try to tell myself I'm not, I am so in love with him. there, I said it.)

1 comment:

  1. OKAY GIRL!!! I'm dying. Must hear details. ASAP. gasping for breath....!!!!
