Monday, January 4, 2010

one year later

It's been about a year since I joined LDS Singles. And I have yet to have an actual date come out of this. One "almost" that cancelled at the last minute, but nothing else that even came close.

I suppose, if I'd wanted to lower my standards, there are a few I could have dated. A few "frequently attends church" or maybe some of the scary ones. But I reserve the right to be just a little particular, about a few things that are important to me.

So, this is it for me. I'm done paying for the singles site. I won't remove my profile, but I'm not going to pay the fees, either.

I'll grant you, I could have worked harder at this, spent more time looking and flirting and sending messages, but I didn't. I know my attitude has something to do with my results. I'm not saying there's nobody out there worth dating, or that it's not my fault I didn't get a date yet. I accept that I'm not as enthusiastic as I could have been. I accept that I got out of it what I put into it. I also recognize that I was the one standing in my own way.

I'm not trying to be a downer here. It's just that, with no results to speak of, and $14.99/mo leaving my bank account for this privilege, well, I don't like paying for something that's not useful. I pay about the same for my Netflix, and I could cancel that instead, go to Red Box, or just not watch as many movies (and TV series) at home on DVD. I stay with Netflix because I can get BBC TV series, and other odd things you can't get at the local Blockbuster or Red Box. I'm getting something out of that, is the point. Something I feel is worth the money.

On the upside, I do feel like I'm more willing to accept someone new in my life. Before this experiment, I didn't really want to date, and I had my reasons. I was waiting for him, no matter how illogical, and he wasn't going to be on any dating sites. I knew I was putting my future on hold for something not likely to happen. I'm okay with that. I don't feel like I've wasted valuable time, or missed out on something that otherwise "could have been". But I do feel more open to other possibilities now, which I really didn't before. I couldn't get myself past what I wanted, in an ideal world, to allow myself to even consider anyone new. I'm open to the possibility now, which, in a way, might have been worth the trouble/money. Or not.

I'm not giving up. I'm just leaving the LDS Singles site, with all the "never/seldom/frequently attends church", "some college", self-employed single men that seem to congregate there. Not to mention the still-married fellas who seem to think it's okay, because they're just waiting on the paperwork. Or whatever their excuse is.

What I'm looking for just isn't there.


  1. Makes sense. It always seems like it would be easier for a man to find a good woman than vice versa. Do you know what I mean? A good guy is hard to find these days. I hope you don't value yourself just from this experience. You are one special lady and the right guy hasn't come around yet. I sure do hope that you keep your blog updated though....

  2. um, yeah, well, I sort of started another blog, a while back. I was meaning to get pictures up to go with some of the posts, and didn't get to that yet, but I kept posting anyway, even though I didn't tell anyone about it yet. Point is, I was going to tell folks about it once I had pictures up with the posts, but that hasn't happened yet. So, you can find my real-life (as opposed to my dateless-life) blog here:
    wasn't trying to hide it or anything, time got away from me, or whatever.
    (although, if you had ever clicked on my profile, you would have seen that I kept another blog)
    as for the dating/finding the right guy thing...I know he's out there. If anything happens in my dating life, I'll post it here. just don't expect much from this corner for a while.
